Friday, February 27, 2009

|It's snowing outside~|


quite like the snow,in fact I really like the snow,I get giddy and silly about it and want it to snow more n more..walopon sejuk tapi bahagia gitu..hehehe
Tapi yang tak best nye..sampai bawah je salji tu mencayaq..btol ke perkataan nih?haaa sudah..kang salah ade pulak orang utara gelakkan aku nanti..hihihi


Yesterday I went to the Tokyo Immigration Bureau at Shinagawa to apply for the renewal of my visa. It went pretty well.I was there in the morning at 10:30, my number was 155, and I was out in about an hour.sangat pantas kan..kalo dulu nak renew kat ube punye la mendou giler..lagi2 kalo dengan pakcik tuutttt..rase nak gigit je dia..sangatla menyakitkan hati..keje macam tak nak keje..dahlah bangunan macam hidup segan mati tak mahu..huhhh..uish time nk mengutuk gune BM la pulak..hahaha..bukan ape..aku kena practice BI ni..sekarang keje banyak kene translate BI-Japanese..kang kalo mencarut dalam BI ade pulak kena gam blog aku nih…hehhhh=P

Now begins the impatient wait for the postcard that will hold no more information than a "we're done". I should hopefully get it in about a week kot.. and I hope that I’ll able to renew my visa for another 3 years!


Uish..makin lebat pulak snow nih…tapi tak boleh lawan la snow kat Niigata haritu..perghh!!kandou!=)


Sori la ye..agak tunggang langgang isi kandungan kali nih..tapi takpe..kalo tak paham,boleh tanye kat ruangan comment tu yek..hihihihi

Hope everyone is having a happy February so far…=)))

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